
The Column of Liberation 2014

April 25th to 27th 2014

Under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic

ideate by

Gotica Toscana onlus - Scarperia (FI)

Program Rev.07 April 13th 2014

icona_newRegistrations are closed
we reach the maximum number of participants
info +393357632983

The Column of Liberation 2014

In collaboration with ( updated 01/03/2014):

Club Historica, Gotica Romagna, Tracce di Storia, Rover Joe, Associazione 92nd Buffalo, Linea Gotica Pistoiese, Highway Six,, Linea Gotica della Lucchesia,

Club Historica,Tracce di Storia,Rover Joe,Gotica Romagna,Linea Gotica della Lucchesia,Linea Gotica Pistoiese,Highway Six,Associazione 92nd Buffalo

Gruppo Storico 2194 

Monumento Votivo Brasiliano

Monumento Votivo Brasiliano



Proponent bodies ( updated 01/03/2014):


Comune di Radda in Chianti

Comune di Gaiole in Chianti

Comune di Castellina in Chianti

Comune di Bagno a Ripoli

Comune di Pistoia

HMV Italia  MVPA

HMV Italia - MVPA



Supported by ( updated April 2nd 2014):

Castelli del Grevepesa

Castelli del Grevepesa

WDM Meccanica 4X4

WDM Meccanica 4X4

Publistudio di Bianchi David & c


MTS Distribuzione

MTS Distribuzione



Camera di Commercio di Pistoia

Camera di Commercio di Pistoia

Supported by the Communities of

Comune di Radda In Chianti        Comune di Castellina in Chianti        Comune di Gaiole in Chianti

Radda in Chianti - Castellina in Chianti - Gaiole in Chianti

Comune di Montecatini Terme        Comune di Pistoia

Montecatini Terme      -     Pistoia

North Apennines Po Valley Park

North Apennines Po Valley Park


The Column of Liberation  2014 - April 25-27  2014

The Column Of Liberation: Some Information For Our Foreign Fellows:

Five years ago, due to the parallel celebrations for the 65th anniversary of the Normandy landings, we decided not to organize our yearly edition of "The Column of Liberation". Nonetheless, we ended up with a sizeable group of friends and HMV collectors wishing to share some common experiences along the routes of the Italian campaign, which at least for us are as important as any other major event of the war.Five years later, our common efforts for the valorization of our historical heritage in that respect have progressed well, as attested by the many associations formed and events organized in many parts of Italy since then. Also, while the historical importance of the events celebrated in Normandy is indisputable, that surely does not justify the forgetting of the many other fateful events which marked the war in Europe between 1943 and the defeat of the Axis powers.

It is also true that, especially in the later years, economic constraints will limit participation of Italian HMV collectors to the Normandy celebrations scheduled this summer. Conversely, the most fortunate in our lot would be able to take part in HMV events connected to the Liberation Day celebrations in Italy, taking place in April, as well as those in Normandy later on.

Because of all this, we decided to proceed, this time, to organize "The Column of Liberation 2014", giving our event a less stressful profile than usual, however, both for participants and vehicles, also keeping in mind the 70th anniversary celebrations in Italy will see a plurality of HMV events scheduled over several months. Yet, we strived to keep the "Column"'s flavor of adventure, as we will cover many route miles over varied ground. And, for the year 2014, we reverted to ending the event in a different location than its start. The bond uniting all of us however stays unchanged - our wish for enjoying together our common passion for history and motor technology, for riding our vehicles along the roads where they made history, and show them to the public.

In presenting "The Column of Liberation 2013" we wrote: The Column of Liberation event should not be taken for granted. Because of what it represents, as well as because of the huge organizational efforts needed to make it happen, each Column is a unique, unrepeatable event, worth to be lived. Nor, because of the complex nature of the event, should it be assumed it to be a yearly appointment.

We believe this idea still applies. This year we will cover, at times, routes that we have already touched in past editions, but we will also be in new locations, we will also live new situations. This will be "The Column of Liberation", irrespective of the number of vehicles participating. In all honesty, we do not need to break new records in that respect. What we want and wish for is instead to strengthen, year after year, the spirit of the Column, enjoying it together with all the people and associations whose common efforts have made and will keep this event unique.


( provisional )

updated March 5th 2014


Wednesday 23rd April 2014

Rome - CITTA' del VATICANO: Saint Peter's Square at 10:30:

The participants to the "Column of Liberation 2014" will participate to the POPE FRANCIS GENERAL AUDIENCE in Saint Peter's Square at 10:30 the 23rd April.


April Friday 25th 2014




h.08:30 Vehicles and participants gather at the Radda Meeting Point.

h. 09:00 Departure to Siena through Vertine and Gaiole in Chianti ( 3 km of white road )

h. 10:30 Arrival in Siena at the Caserma "Bandini" HQ of the 186° Reggimento Paracadutisti Folgore

h. 11:00 Visit to the HQ of the 186° Reggimento Paracadutisti Folgore - Vehicles exhibition.

h. 11:30 to 14:30 Free time to visit Siena down-town and free lunch( Duomo, Piazza del Campo, etc are 15 minutes on foot from the HQ)

h. 14:30 Departure to Castellina in Chianti following the "Via Chiantigiana"

h. 16:00 Arrival in Strada in Chianti - technical stop (refuelling etc)

h. 18:00 Arrival in Grassina and Vehicles exhibition

h. 19:30 Dinner in Grassina


Pappa al pomodoro e basilico

Tortelli di patate al sugo finto di verdure

Spezzatino di muscolo di manzo alla fiorentina

Fagioli al fiasco all'olio extra vergine di Bagno a Ripoli

Torta della nonna


h. 21:00 Departure to Firenze following the "Via Chiantigiana" SR222

h. 21:30 Arrival at the Sheraton Hotel and overnight.


25/04 Part 1 - Radda in Chianti - Siena 44,9 km

25/04 Radda - Siena

25/04 Part 2 - Siena - Sheraton Firenze 69 km

25/04 Siena - Firenze


April Saturday 26th 2014


FIRENZE SUD ( Sheraton Hotel ):


h. 09:00 Departure to Firenze following the SP127

h. 09:30 Entrance in Firenze following Via Kassel, Via Villamagna, Lungarno Ferrucci.

h. 10:00 Arrival to Piazzale Michelangelo and Vehicles exhibition.

26/04 Parte 1 - Sheraton Firenze - Piazzale Michelangelo 10 km

26/04 Parte 1 - Sheraton Firenze - Piazzale Michelangelo 10 km

h. 12:00 Pranzo libero

h. 14:00 Departure to Galluzzo / Cerbaia / Montelupo Fiorentino.

26/04 Parte 2-3 - Firenze Montecatini

h. 15.30 Attraversamento Cerbaia e ingresso su SP Val di Pesa

h. 15.55 Arrival at Montelupo Fiorentino and entrance on SS67 to Empoli

h. 16.15 Empoli: Viale Petrarca, Via Togliatti, Via L. da Vinci

New Zealand Sherman in Empoli

h. 16.35 Departure from Empoli to Fucecchio on SP9

h. 16.45 Strada provinciale della Motta

h. 16.50 Strada provinciale pisana to Fucecchio

26/04 Parte 3 - Fucecchio Montecatini

h. 17.10 Entrance in Fucecchio on Strada Provinciale Nuova Francesca and Staffoli

h. 17.20 departure from Fucecchio to Via del bosco to Staffoli

h. 17.45 Entrance in Staffoli from Via delle Pinete and stop to FEB memorial

h. 18.45 Departure from Staffoli to Galleno on SP8

h. 19.00 Galleno following SP8 and SP6 Lucchese - Romana to Chiesina Uzzanese

h. 19.20 Crossing Chiesina Uzzanese following SP45 and SP26 to Montecatini - Centro Commerciale Montecatini

h. 19.45 following Strada Provinciale del Porrione del Terz and arrival to Mondolandia Village - Via Ponte dei Bari 5.

h. 20:00 Dinner and overnight


Farro alla Lucchese

Penne ai Carciofi e Salsiccia

Spiedino Dell'Aia di Fattoria con Verdure Croccanti

Insalata Mista




Total Km 75


Sunday April 27th 2014

November 1944 - Group of Brazilian Nurses attached to the 16th Evacuation Hospital, at Pistoia, Italy.

November 1944 - Group of Brazilian Nurses attached to the 16th Evacuation Hospital, at Pistoia, Italy.
Photo WW2 US Medical Research Centre

27/04 - Mondolandia Montecatini Pistoia


h. 09:00 Departure fro the meeting point and entrance in Montecatini

h. 09:30 Vehicles exhibition ( Leopoldine area )

h. 11:00 Departure to Pistoia

h. 11:30 Entrance in Pistoia and stop in the Cathedral square

h. 13:00 Lunch ( menù da definire )

h. 16:00 End of the event.


Total Km 20






icona_newRegistrations are closed
we reach the maximum number of participants
info +393357632983

1) The participation to the "Column of Liberation 2014" is subject to a pre-registration that you can accomplish by:
A. fulfilling the on-line form;
B. downloading and fulfilling the pdf registration form and email it at or mail it to "Gotica Toscana Onlus - Loc. Ponzalla 47 - 50038 Scarperia (FI) - Italy" or to the fax number +391782267395.

2) The pre-registration must be accompanied by the payment of the TOTAL FEE which may vary depending if you are going to stay for the whole event or not (see below). The payment of the full fee in advance is necessary in order to avoid unfortunate situations which have caused huge loss to the Organization during past editions. Money can be transferred with:
-Paypal payment to;
- Bank Transfer to the following account: Account Holder: Gotica Toscana Onlus - Loc. Ponzalla 47, I-50038 Scarperia (FI), Italy IBAN code: IT60 N 07601 02800 000071628283 BIC/Swift Code: BPPIITRRXXX.
In any case, payment description must indicate "Column of Liberation 2014". An envelope containing meal tickets, road book, useful telephone number etc., will be delivered to the participant at the moment of the arrival in order to avoid any other wait. The fee is not refundable except than in case of registration refusal by the Organization or cancellation of the event.
3)The deadline for registrations is April the 12th, 2014. Beyond that date, the Organization reserves the right to accept further registrations.
4)In any case, participation to the event is limited to the number of individuals /vehicles compatible with existing facilities. We strongly advise to register as soon as possible, particularly if hotel accommodations are needed..
5) The event is open to WW2 military vehicles up to 1945.
6) Vehicles owners dressing WW2 uniforms as well as reenactors are welcome and encouraged both in group or individually. The Organization will try to accommodate everybody on WW2 vehicles, in accordance with vehicles owners, to the extent room is available but declines responsability if there is not room enough. It is good practice to share fuel expences with the owner of the vehicle. Anyway, nobody will be left behind.
7) Military uniforms must be consistent with WW2 era. Allies and Axis uniforms (like Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe or Kriegsmarine, Royal Italian Army etc.) are allowed, while wearing or displaying uniforms of any political formation/organization such as PNF (Fascists Party), MVSN, NSDAP (Nazi Party) or SS units and similar are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.
8) All vehicles must conform to Italian existing Highway Code (Codice della Strada) Laws and Regulations. Vehicles owners and drivers will be responsible for any damages and consequences caused by their vehicles. The Organization will not be responsible for the damages caused to people or properties.
9) Deactivated weapons/ordnances and toy model guns/ordnances can be showed and exhibited by the participants without harming other participants, visitors and local populations. Deactivated weapons/ordnances must be accompanied by a deactivation certificate which MUST COMPLY with ITALIAN REGULATION which is VERY SEVERE. Anyway, every participant is responsible for possession/displaying/carrying of his own weapon/gun/ordnance and must conform to Italian existing Laws and Regulations and fulfill requests which may come from Law Enforcement officers. If necessary, the Organization can limit the display of weapons during particular phases of the event or if requested to do so by Municipalities or Public/Police Authorities.
10) It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to use any kind guns or other firing devices including blanks, fireworks, signals, smoke, and whatever else may alarm Law Enforcement and Firefighting authorities. It is also forbidden to light open-flame fires.
11) The behavior of every participant must be appropriate to a commemorative event. It is strictly forbidden to engage in any form of violence, harassment or other disrespectful behaviors which can upset or compromise the good outcome of the event. It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to aim any kind of weapon to anybody even if deactivated or toy model.
12) During the event it is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to march, sing battle hymns or national anthems or swear at other participants, visitors or local populations.
13) Reenactors and other participants will avoid to engage in any kind political discussions or to express personal views on the local or general history of the places and period. Instead, military equipment can be displayed and pertinent explanations can be given to interested people.
14) The Organization reserves at any times the right to expel from the event the participant who will obey to the present rules, without previous warning and without refunding participation fees.
15) Each group/individual will be responsible for the preservation of and damages of all kinds to areas, sites, places, rooms, services, equipments, accessories made available for use to them/him. Particular attention must be paid in case of permanence/meal/accomodation within military structures.
16) Underages can join the event if accompanied/authorized (written) by their parents. In any case underages cannot man/handle weapons/guns/ordnances no matter if deactivated of toy models.
17) During the event it is forbidden to leave the column of vehicles or take your own initiative; during the stops every participant is due to respect timing which will be communicated properly.
18) No vehicle will be left behind even in case of malfunction; the Organization offers a recovery vehicle which can bear even three axles vehicles up to 14 tons.
19) The Organization informs that drivers of historical vehicles can be subject to Alcohol Test at will of Law Enforcement Authorities.
20)For issues not covered by the present rules/regulation, please contact the organization!

The Organization reserves the right to change the current program of the event without giving notice about that.


April 23rd In ROME RULES


In progress




The Organization offers financial refunds to foreign participants in order to cover fuel and transportation costs for vehicles. Obviously, funds are limited and will be shared among foreign participants according to their number and the time of their registration. So, please if you wish to join the "Column of Liberation" contact the organization as soon as possible!!!

Shuttle bus

If necessary, the Organization will provides shuttle buses free of charge for the days of the event from the Hotels and the Parking Area and viceversa.
The 27th there is a shullte bus from Pistoia to Radda in Chianti


The Organization provides a free of charge service of reservation for those wishing an hotel accommodations giving information about room availability and rates. Simply, tell us your requirements!

However, if you wish to arrange reservations directly you may do so at your own discretion.


Florence April 25th 2014


Indirizzo Address

IBAN - SWIFT / B.I.C. code

Contatti Contact


Via Giovanni Agnelli, 33 50126 Firenze Italia (I)

IT13H0326803203052869653081 - SELBIT2B

Tel. +39 055 64 901

Accomodation: B&B

Standard Double as single Euro 88.00 room/night -

Standard Double Euro 110.00 room/night

  • VAT 10% and breakfast included
  • tourist tax Euro 4.00 per person/night not included
  • Payement - 50% before April 16th 2014 non refundable. 50% at the check-in to the Hotel by the participants.

Serravalle Pistoiese 26 Aprile 2014


Indirizzo Address

IBAN - SWIFT / B.I.C. code

Contatti Contact

Hotel Lago Verde ***,

Accomodation: B&B

Standard Double Euro 90.00 room/night -

Single room supplement Euro 12,00 per person/night

  • VAT 10% and breakfast included
  • tourist tax Euro 4.00 per person/night not included
  • Payment -

Montecatini 26 Aprile 2014


Indirizzo Address

IBAN - SWIFT / B.I.C. code

Contatti Contact

Hotel Giotto & Cavallotti * * *,

Accomodation: B&B

Standard Double Euro 90.00 room/night -

Single room supplement Euro 12,00 per person/night

  • VAT 10% and breakfast included
  • tourist tax not included
  • Payment -

Montecatini 26 Aprile 2014


Indirizzo Address

IBAN - SWIFT / B.I.C. code

Contatti Contact

Hotel Cristallino * * * *

Accomodation: B&B

Standard Double Euro 94.00 room/night -

Single room supplement Euro 14,00 per person/night

  • VAT 10% and breakfast included
  • tourist tax not included
  • Payment -

Montecatini 26 Aprile 2014


Indirizzo Address

IBAN - SWIFT / B.I.C. code

Contatti Contact

Hotel Nizza * * * *,

Accomodation: B&B

Standard Double Euro 120.00 room/night -

Single room supplement Euro 18,00 per person/night

  • VAT 10% and breakfast included
  • tourist tax not included
  • Payment -




Join the event for the whole program (3 days) includes 3 Italian typical full meals (first course + second course + side dish), eventual small refreshments along the way and the Sightseeing bus in Florence, has a cost of EURO 85 (EURO 75 for members of: Gotica Toscana, Museo di Felonica, Museo Memoriale della Libertà and HMV Italia).

All participants will receive a gadget of "The Column of Liberation" for free;

If you intend to participate only to some days of the program, costs change according to the table:below:


NOT member cost

Member cost ( see above )

25th to 27th 3 meals

Euro 85,00

Euro 75,00

25th April only 1 meal

Euro 40,00

Euro 40,00

26th April only 1 meal

Euro 40,00

Euro 40,00

27th April only 1 meal

Euro 40,00

Euro 40,00

25th 26th April 2 meals

Euro 70,00

Euro 60,00

26th 27th April 2 meals

Euro 70,00

Euro 60,00

Pullman 23rd April two ways

Euro 30,00

Euro 30,00


Preiscrizione: Totale dell'importo - Prenotazioni alberghiere a parte.


Per qualsiasi informazione, non esitate a contattaci telefonicamente o a mezzo e-mail a:


Gotica Toscana Onlus


Informazioni in lingua francese: Guidorzi Simone 0039-348-3157390

Informazioni in lingua inglese: Bambagiotti Luca 0039-338-4576040


Si ringrazia fin da adesso tutti coloro che parteciperanno o contribuiranno in qualche modo alla riuscita della manifestazione. A presto!

The organization team


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