
Mis a jour le 31/03/12

Programme Rev “3” 31 Mars 2012

La Colonne de la Libertè 2012

Ideè par


25 April 2012


27-28-29 April 2012

En collaboration avec North Apennines Po Valley Park




Manifestation historique évocatrice, à des fins de charité.


En collaboration avec

Gruppo Motociclisti Sermide

Associazione 92nd Buffalo - Highway Six - Linea Gotica della Lucchesia
 Club Historica - Tracce di Storia - Gotica Romagna - GGARG - Gruppo Motociclisti Sermide

Organisations de soutien

Comune di Cervia - Comune di Cesena


HMV Italia - MVPA

HMVitalia_logo248  MVPA

Museo di Alfonsine - ANPI Cervia

MuseoAlfonsine    ANPI-cervia_2

Avec le support de( mis a jour le 16/03/2012)

 Amigos Golf Hotel,Areca System,Custom Soluzioni,Dama,Europa Immobiliare,Federalberghi,Hotel Des Bains,Hotel Europa,Hotel Gollf e Beach,Moviter - Cartelli e Insegne

Avant propos

Quand on a pensé à la manifestation “La Colonna della Libertà” et on a annoncé la réalisation, on n’aurait jamais pensé que les contenus idéals qu’on voulait représenter devenaient assez tôt de grande actualité. Si la Paix et la Démocratie sont, tout au moins pour l’Europe, des valeurs partagés, non discutables et des objectifs à exporter chez tous les pais de la Terre, maintenant sont devenus prédominants le travail et la famille. La situation économique internationale et italienne il sont en train de culbuter la stabilité de plusieurs familles, qui voient dans la manque de travail, dans la perte d’opportunité d’emploi e de services sociales une concrète possibilité di perte de stabilité de l’institution primaire de notre société. Cette incertitude pour le futur et l’anxiété qu’elle provoque, nous avoisine, même si on ne peut pas faire des comparaisons, à la situation qu’ont vécu les familles italiennes pendant les jours de guerre ; quand l’incertitude et la préoccupation étaient le « pain quotidien ».

En particulier nous pensons a tous ceux qui ont eu une participation active et qui ont sacrifié leur vie et son existence pendant une guerre sanglante, mais, au même temps, nous n’oublions pas tous civiles comme les pères et le mères pleins de chagrin pour ses fils combattants, les vieux qui ont du quitter leur maisons, enfants privés de leur jeunesse, ménages divisé et détruits. Cette année, comme est déjouerais la tradition, se déroulera dans des lieux différents et nous découvrirons des territoires et des personnes qui on vu le passage di front de guerre avec ses dévastations et ses morts.

Par rapport à l’an dernier ou les territoires parcourus on vu la guerre le 25 avril et les jours suivants, cette année il faut retourner en arrière, c'est-à-dire à cheval du 1944 et début 1945, quand la Pleine du Po n’avait pas été encore libéré et le front des alliés poussait vers le Nord : celui des Etats-Unis sur Bologne et les alentours, tandis que les troupes du Commonwealth à Faenza et jusqu’à la mer Adriatique en passant par Cervia libérée par les soldats canadiens.

Cette année donc sera une « Colonna » en style « Brtish », on parcourra les routes qu’on vu transiter les soldats du Commonwealth, uniment à l’armée polonaise. On entendra cornemuse et on verra le béret basque avec le pon-pon…. On fumera Craven et Players, mais surtout on fera vivre un morceau d’histoire.


Forlì 9Nov1944

La Liberation de Forlì - 9 Novembere 1944


Mis a jour le 16 mars 2012

Télécharger la Route

Mercredì 25 April 2012


10h30 – 18h00 Visite au Musée, exposition et concentration des véhicules participants à la “Colonna della Libertè”. Repas (participation facultative), démonstration des tanks au public.

Logistique de la « Colonna » déchargement et parking des remorques et véhicules.

Vendredi 27 avril 2012

BOLOGNE: Musée “Memoriale della Liberta”- formation de la “Colonna” légère (Tous les véhicules, sauf les tanks)

9h00 Concentration des véhicules et des participants à Bologne chez le Musée « Memorale della libertà »

9h30 Départ de la « Colonna », direction Castel Guelfo à travers la route des « Stradelli Guelfi »
11h00 Traversement des villages de Mordano, Bagnara di Romagna, Solarolo.
11h30 Entrée et défilé dans la ville de Lugo di Romagna.
12h00 Arrivée en Ville de Bagnacavallo et arrête pour déjeuner chez le Restaurant « Due Galli »

Menù: - Straccetti di Vitello fatti in casa alla Primiero
Rotolo di vitello al forno
Patate al forno
Acqua – Vino
Caffè incluso al bar interno.

14h30 Départ de la « Colonna », direction Alfonsine à travers Prati
15h30 Arrivée à dans la Ville d’Alfonsine – arrête et visite au Musée de la Bataille « Del Senio »
17h00 Départ de la « Colonna » - Direction Cervia – Passage par Camerlona, Fosso Ghiaia
19h15 Arrivée à « Ca’ delle Aie » et arrête pour manger

Menù: - Tagliatella fatta in casa al ragù
Pollo alla cacciatora
Piadina fatta in casa
Patate al forno

21h00 Départ pour Cervia
21h30 Arrivée à Cervia et logement en Hotels et Camping à Milano Marittima

Distance à parcourir 119 km

map 2012 27apr-800

Hotels and Parking

Mappa Alberghi e Deposito


Liberation de Ravenna, Les Partisans

Samedi 28 avril 2012

CERVIA – Milano Marittima.

9h30 Départ de la “Colonna” légère - Direction Pisignano/Cesena
9h30 Départ de la “Colonna” légère - Direction Pisignano/Cesena
12h00 Retour a Cervia et arrête pour le repas

Penne pancetta, funghi, panna e pomodoro.
Scaloppine ai funghi - Patate al forno

14h00 Retour vers le centre ville de Cervia et formation d’une « Colonna » unique avec les tanks

15h00 Entrée à Cervia (Place Garibaldi) - Participants en uniforme, Tanks et véhicules sur gomme. Le speaker racontera les événements de la guerre.

15h30 Présentation aux Autorités, à la population, exposition des véhicules, rafraîchissement aux participants
19h00 Déplacement de la « Colonna » des tanks dans l’Air d’arrête
19h30 Départ de la « Colonna » - Direction Savio
20h00 Arrête pour souper au Restaurant « Ca’ delle Aie »

Strozzapreti pasticciati
Grigliata mista
Patate al forno
Piadina fatta in casa

21h30 Arrivée à Cervia et logement en Hôtels et Camping à Milano Marittima

Distance à parcourir 55 km

map 2012 28apr-800


Dimanche 29 Avril 2012

CERVIA – San Lazzaro di Savena

9h00 Départ de la “Colonna” – Direction Castiglione di Ravenna, Pievequinta
10h00 Passage par Forlì 11h00 Passage et arrête à Faenza
12h00 Départ Direction Imola et Castel Bolognese
13h00 Arrivée à Zello et arrête pour le repas

Menù: -  Tortellini Panna e Prosciutto
            - Arrosto misto- Pomodori alla griglia- Acqua/Vino
            - Caffè not included

15h00 Départ de la “Colonna” passage à travers les villes de Imola, Toscanella, Osteria Grande, Ozzano dell'Emilia
16h30 Arrivée à San Lazzaro di Savena chez Le Musée “Memoriale della Libertà”
17h00 Fin de la Manifestation

Distance à parcourir 95 km

map 2012 29apr-800


IWM_NA 20459_Ravenna

Les hommes du 27th Lancers, Porter Force, dans Ravenna, 5 décembre 1944
Imperial War Museum - IWM (NA 20459)



1) Pour participer à manifestation «La Colonna della Libertà 2010» il est nécessaire de s'inscrire en remplissan le «formulaire on-line» dans toutes ses parties.

le «formulaire est disponible aussi en pdf.

Registration form

2) The pre-registration must be accompanied by the payment of the TOTAL FEE which may vary depending if you are going to stay for the whole event or not (see below). The payment of the full fee in advance is necessary in order to avoid unfortunate situations which have caused huge loss to the Organization during past editions. Money can be transferred with:
A. a Paypal payment to;
a Bank Transfer to the following account: Account Holder: Gotica Toscana Onlus – Loc. Ponzalla 47, I-50038 Scarperia (FI), Italy IBAN code: IT60 N 07601 02800 000071628283 BIC/Swift Code: BPPIITRRXXX.
In any case, payment description must indicate “Column of Liberation 2012”. An envelope containing meal tickets, road book, useful telephone number etc., will be delivered to the participant at the moment of the arrival in order to avoid any other wait. The fee is not refundable except than in case of registration refusal by the Organization or cancellation of the event.
3)The deadline for registrations is April the 15th, 2012. Beyond that date, the Organization reserves the right to accept further registrations.
4)In any case, participation to the event is limited to the number of individuals /vehicles compatible with existing facilities. We strongly advise to register as soon as possible, particularly if hotel accommodations are needed..
5) The event is open to WW2 military vehicles up to 1945.
6) Vehicles owners dressing WW2 uniforms as well as reenactors are welcome and encouraged both in group or individually. The Organization will try to accommodate everybody on WW2 vehicles, in accordance with vehicles owners, to the extent room is available but declines responsability if there is not room enough. Anyway, nobody will be left behind.
7) Military uniforms must be consistent with WW2 era. Allies and Axis uniforms (like Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe or Kriegsmarine) are allowed, while wearing or displaying uniforms of any political formation/organization such as PNF (Fascists Party), MVSN, NSDAP (Nazi Party) or SS units and similar are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.
8) All vehicles must conform to Italian existing Highway Code (Codice della Strada) Laws and Regulations. Vehicles owners and drivers will be responsible for any damages and consequences caused by their vehicles. The Organization will not be responsible for the damages caused to people or properties.
9) Deactivated weapons/ordnances and toy model guns/ordnances can be showed and exhibited by the participants without harming other participants, visitors and local populations. Deactivated weapons/ordnances must be accompanied by a deactivation certificate which MUST COMPLY with ITALIAN REGULATION which is VERY SEVERE. Anyway, every participant is responsible for possession/displaying/carrying of his own weapon/gun/ordnance and must conform to Italian existing Laws and Regulations and fulfill requests which may come from Law Enforcement officers. If necessary, the Organization can limit the display of weapons during particular phases of the event or if requested to do so by Municipalities or Public/Police Authorities.
10) It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to use any kind guns or other firing devices including blanks, fireworks, signals, smoke, and whatever else may alarm Law Enforcement and Firefighting authorities. It is also forbidden to light open-flame fires.
11) The behavior of every participant must be appropriate to a commemorative event. It is strictly forbidden to engage in any form of violence, harassment or other disrespectful behaviors which can upset or compromise the good outcome of the event. It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to aim any kind of weapon to anybody even if deactivated or toy model.
12) During the event it is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to march, sing battle hymns or national anthems or swear at other participants, visitors or local populations.
13) Reenactors and other participants will avoid to engage in any kind political discussions or to express personal views on the local or general history of the places and period. Instead, military equipment can be displayed and pertinent explanations can be given to interested people.
14) The Organization reserves at any times the right to expel from the event the participant who will obey to the present rules, without previous warning and without refunding participation fees.
15) Each group/individual will be responsible for the preservation of and damages of all kinds to areas, sites, places, rooms, services, equipments, accessories made available for use to them/him. Particular attention must be paid in case of permanence/meal/accomodation within military structures.
16) Underages can join the event if accompanied/authorized (written) by their parents. In any case underages cannot man/handle weapons/guns/ordnances no matter if deactivated of toy models.
17) During the event it is forbidden to leave the column of vehicles or take your own initiative; during the stops every participant is due to respect timing which will be communicated properly.
18) No vehicle will be left behind even in case of malfunction; the Organization offers a recovery vehicle which can bear even three axles vehicles up to 14 tons.
19) The Organization informs that drivers of historical vehicles can be subject to Alcohol Test at will of Law Enforcement Authorities.
20)For issues not covered by the present rules/regulation, please contact the organization!

The Organization reserves the right to change the current program of the event without giving notice about that.


The Organization offers financial refunds to foreign participants in order to cover fuel and transportation costs for vehicles. Obviously, funds are limited and will be shared among foreign participants according to their number and the time of their registration. So, please if you wish to join the “Column of Liberation” contact the organization as soon as possible!!!


The Organization provides shuttle buses free of charge for the days of the event from the Hotels and the Parking Area and viceversa. See timetable:

Friday April 27th from 21:00 to 23:00

Satursday April 28th from 07:30 to 09:30 and from 21:30 to 23:30

Sunday April 29th from 07:30 to 09:30

Hotels and Parking Area (Deposito Comunale) Map


The Organization offers free of charge accommodations for the registered participants within military stations (if available) as well as public buildings like gym, but in this case every participant needs to bring is own sleeping-bag. As with every service offered by the Organization, free of charge accommodations are limited and so early – registration to the event is recommendable in order to make an early reservation for the available room you are interested in!
The Organization provides a free of charge service of reservation for those wishing an hotel accommodations giving information about room availability and rates. Simply, tell us your requirements!

However, if you wish to arrange reservations directly you may do so at your own discretion.

Milano Marittima - Hotels

Costs per nigth breakfast included


Single €45,00
Double €70,00
Triple €90,00
Quadrupla €110,00

IBAN : IT 71 W 07073 23600 002 000120284 PRESSO BANCA ROMAGNA COOPERATIVA Agency of CERVIA  to HOTEL EUROPA S.R.L.


Single €45,00
Double €70,00
Triple €90,00
Quadrupla €110,00

IBAN :  IT 35 H 06270 23654 CC 0540002868 CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI RAVENNA 
Specificare nell'oggetto GOLF BEACH HOTEL


Singole €40,00
Matrimoniali/Doppie €60,00
Triple €80,00
Quadruple €100,00
Appartamentini ( 3 - 4 - 5 posti letto )




Double €70,00
Triple €90,00
Quadrupla €110,00



Viale Matteotti 190 48016 Milano Marittima (RA)

Euro 7,00/person tent place and services included – Using your equipment


Join the event for the whole program (3 days) includes 5 Italian typical full meals (appetizer + first course + second course + side dish) and eventual small refreshments along the way, has a cost of € 100 (€ 90 for Gotica Toscana members). The participation for the childrens till 6 years is free.

All participants will receive a gadget of “The Column of Liberation” for free;

If you intend to participate only to some days of the program, costs change according to the below table:



Non Member Cost

Full GT Member Cost

San Lazaro di Savena
Museo Memoriale



27/28/29 5 meals

€ 100,00

€ 90,00

27 and 28 4 meals

€ 90,00

€ 80,00

28 and 29 3 meals

€ 80,00

€ 70,00

27-04 1 meal only

€ 30,00

€ 30,00

Solo 27-04 2 meals

€ 60,00

€ 50,00

28-04 only 2 meals

€ 70,00

€ 60,00

29-04 only 1 meal

€ 30,00

€ 30,00

Please note that eventual Hotel reservation and fees are not included !

Should you need further information do not hesitate to contact us via email or mobile phone:

Gotica Toscana Onlus

Information en Francais: Guidorzi Simone 0039-348-3157390

Information in English: Bambagiotti Luca 0039-338-4576040

We thank in advance all those who will participate or contribute to the event in any way Keep in touch and see you soon !!!



[Column 2012]