
Historical reenactment Camp

“The Column of Liberation 2008”

Historical reenactment Camp

Reconstructed scenes from both sides, Allied and Axis
26th and 27th April 2008.

Felonica area near the Po river

The Column of Liberation will proceed along the route taken by the advancing Allied armies after the liberation of Rome in June, 1944, up to the Po River, where the retreating German armies were finally smashed, while attempting to cross the river on baregs, ferries, and other impriovised means, all bridges having been bombed out of existance by the Allied air forces. Erecting several Bailey and pontoon bridges, the US Fifth Army and british Eight Army continued their fast drive north up to the Alpine passes and Trieste, till teh official capitualation of Axis forces in Italy on May 2, 1945.
Thus, the Po river battle was a short, but important and bloody one.

To remember those fateful days, “The Column of Liberation 2008” will include a historical reenactment camp which will be set up near the Po river at the site of one of the major crossing by the Allies in April, 1945.

The camp, which will include reconstructed scenes from both sides, Allied and Axis, will be open to the public on Saturday and Sunday, April 26-27, 2008.


Reenactors interested in participating to the camp setup may contact Mr. Enrico Mazzetto at +393470857742 (mob.)



This will be the occasion to bring the younger generations closer to those events, as well as an interesting event for collectors and enthusiasts alike, featuring the launching into the Po river of a few vintage amphibius trucks, the famous “Ducks” (DUKW 353), on Sunday April 27, 2008.


Participation to the camp is subject to the same pre-registration procedure as the whole event, with the payment of a pre-registration fee of Euro 10.00. Please, register yourself using the online module.

Cost for Sunday, including one meal, is Euro 20.00


[Welcome - Benvenuti]